Grateful workers not ungrateful workers PJIAE

Grateful workers not ungrateful workers PJIAE

Dear Editor,

  In regard to a recent flyer that has been circulating talking about airport staff and injustices at the airport, first of all there is no injustice on the airport, and for clarity sake those persons responsible for slandering others, Mr. Michel Hyman, should not involve all of airport staff in that kind of nonsense.

  Now Mr. Editor first of all Mr. Hyman is a down to earth and humble gentleman. But because some employees can't get their own way they will say all kinds of negative things and that is very sad because there is absolutely no truth in the allegations made about Mr. Hyman. For 1, Mr. Hyman is well educated and has his degrees and diplomas along with experience to prove that he is more than capable of running the airport.

  Mr. Hyman also knows the ins and outs of the company. Whoever is responsible for the flyer is just trying to bring him down and they are the ones being vindictive. Mr. Hyman is also a no-nonsense man and some employees don't like to be disciplined or corrected.

  Then they mentioned about Mr. Baker. Yes, Mr. Baker has his master’s degree but had Mr. Baker passed his interview like Mr. Hyman he would have had the position and he too might have been a target like Mr. Hyman once certain employees don't get their own way. But it happened that Mr. Hyman passed his interview with flying colours. That position was not just given to Mr. Hyman, he worked hard and earned his position and he is more than qualified for it.

  Mr. Hyman knows his work. He is able and capable of doing his job. But truth be told there is a power struggle right now at the airport and that's what this is all about. There are a few of them that want his position so they will do or say anything, even tarnish his name, just to bring him down and make him look like the bad guy.

  They talked about the slow pace at the airport but let’s be honest, airport was severely damaged by the monster storm Irma and there’s no way it could be built back up in 3 months, that is impossible. Then they mention the contract workers. Not all the contract workers were sent home and most companies did the same, not only PJIA.

  Now in closing, Mr. Editor, there are workers at PJIAE that have full confidence in Mr. Hyman and who appreciate the good works he has been doing for the airport. So thumbs up Mr. Hyman keep up the good work.

Name withheld at author’s request. 

The Daily Herald

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