Maintain your focus and preserve the principles that have kept you grounded

Dear Editor,

Too often, whenever a professional is being recruited to execute a specific task, he or she is confronted with a barrage of negative feedback that does not validate these protestors’ perspective. Case in point: Attorney Nathalie Tackling, the proposed successor to Justice Minister Lyndon Lewis, is being criticized unfairly. What do bias remarks such as, “not from here” and “skin colour” have to do with her ability to do the job?

This is the type of juvenile commentaries that have deterred highly qualified persons from entering politics, and contribute significantly, to the development and prosperity of the country. Although many persons do not fall in this category, this mentality reflects a very naive and a low-informed population.

It would have been a more equitable approach if these objectors had taken the time to analyze and understand the reasoning behind the choice, rather than to have an impulsive reaction towards the nomination. In the absence of diagnostic viewpoint, in all areas of life, the end result is to continuously reproduce this cycle of stagnation.

So, my message to Attorney Nathalie Tackling is, do not ignore the negative remarks. Evaluate them, because this will give you a wider perspective of how the population looks at certain situations. When you understand your population, you will act accordingly, because in essence, they are expressing their true feelings.

Remember that this job is being offered to you as an opportunity to serve the public on a broader scope, and in a way that would enhance their lives. So, use your educational background as the compass to guide your decisions, and supplement your vision with a team of experts, who will propel you towards achieving that mission.

You don’t have to agree with any of my suggestions. But, everyone knows (I have written about it several times) that Attorney Roland Duncan is my all-time favorite Minister of Justice. To understand the dynamics of the justice chain, I highly recommend that you sit with him to get a comprehensive view of the ministry. He can take you back to the days of the Antilles, and fast-forward to his experience as the first Minister of Justice in our new constitutional status.

He will share with you unsparingly the challenges that you will face in reference to the different divisions within the ministry. What would be a topic of interest to delve into is the Justice Academy that he initiated during his tenure. If you can revive this vital initiative that has been dormant for years, this would be a step in the right direction, because it involved not just the police, but the VKS as well, who play an important role at the prison and at different events.

Conversely, watch out for those who extend their hand, but have ill-intent. A person who feels that he is entitled to this position, based on the amount of votes that he received, cannot give you good advice. First of all, who says that the votes are legitimate? Second, he sees you as his competition and definitely, this change does not sit well with him. So, if he does not have the dignity to let go peacefully, this is a sign that has already defined his character – a trait of resentment and entitlement.

Moreover, he is an extremely spiteful and a very cocky individual. Pay attention to the way he handles certain situations. A person who gets a kick out of firing his subordinates because he has the power to do so, cannot give you valuable advice. A person who brags about helping others cannot give you useful advice either.

When something is done from the heart, there are no strings attached. In fact, the recipients are usually the ones who advertise the act, and not the donor. This is why in a recent article I mentioned that people who say that they have integrity are the ones without this vital quality. Attorney Nathalie Tackling, there is so much that I can say to you, but this is not the medium to disclose that kind of information.

However, as you proceed in your preparation to become the next Justice Minister, I trust that you will keep the topic of this article in mind, and be the best version of a patriot – one who was chosen to serve her community and is committed to do so, openly and selflessly.

Joslyn Morton

The Daily Herald

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