Open letter to St. Maarteners and the rest of the world

Dear Editor,

I want to thank all the opposition in St Maarten for their great performance from

2020 to 2024.

You all in opposition are performing very well. DP, UP and UD are always known as the

parties that always perform the best when they are in opposition.

NA is the worst party that gave the poorest performance in opposition in St Maarten, that’s why the people are not even protesting on this island.

SPM, SPA, in now NA party gave the very poorest performance on opposition. 98% of this party since existing they were always in opposition.

Holland, CARICOM, the Caribbean, the UN, and the rest of the world didn’t hear NA when they were in opposition. Especially the days DP party were in power governing the island of St Maarten they were not heard how it should be.

Now Grisha, Christophe and member of PFP Gumbs join Sarah with an excellent performance in opposition.

The majority were waiting to see great performance from NA as they in power to govern 2020 to 2024. It seems the people are not satisfied with NA and will send NA back on the opposition bench where they belong next election.

NA were silent in opposition. They think when they get in power they will do so much but they fail. Prime Minister Hon. Silveria Jacobs cannot prove yet her carbinet is better than former prime minister Leona Marlin-Romeo.

This government is not giving us an update of the CKC credit union money the central bank is

keeping for so long.

Why are Curaçaoans joining Caricom before St Maarteners? Even Holland gets along with Caricom more than the Dutch Caribbean nations.

St. Maarten leaders, help your people. Let’s hope 60% to 70% voters will come out to vote next election.

Cuthbert Bannis

The Daily Herald

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