Dear St. Maarteners,
We are writing this letter to the editor because we want the hardworking business owners, island people to know the following:
Apparently some of our government officials find it necessary to have a bbq party with booze, no mask and no social distance behind the Sky Port in Simpson Bay with about 30 people on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 from early afternoon until evening hours.
We small business people are trying to survive this COVID-19 crisis. When we heard about the J’ouvert party we were furious, the fact that people could do such a thing and maybe spoil our possibility on freedom.
We want our St. Maarten special investigation team under Prime Minister Jacobs to investigate this and that all who participated come forward. Names are known and will not be mentioned right now out of respect to Minister Jacobs. We trust she won’t approve such behavior and will act on this immediately.
We are all struggling in these very difficult times to keep our small businesses open. Rules are for every one of us, including these party officials. When people get fined for things they should not do it’s more than normal that these party officials get their part also.
This breaks our hearts and makes us all furious!
We don’t want this to be seen as a small thing. It’s more than ridiculous that things like this even happen. Especially when these officials should be an example for the people of St. Maarten.
We hope, Prime Minister Jacobs, you take action and let the people of St. Maarten know how you feel about this.
Name withheld at author’s request.