Thank you, whoever you are!

Dear Editor,

During the 4-year tenure of the one-before-the-last government, the then VROMI Minister and his team decided to fix the constant drainage problem at the lowest part of Orange Grove Road in front of DIJTHAM. A beautiful ditch was dug out and a drain made out of poured concrete was built.

When it was done, everyone using that road wondered why the concrete drain was built jutting out so far in the road right where Orange Grove Road intersects with Wellington Road. Low concrete bumpers were added to prevent vehicles from ending up in the new ditch. To no avail … . When turning right in the last corner of Orange Grove Road before going left or right on Wellington Road, all drivers lose sight of the low concrete bumpers, and on average 2 vehicles per week have ended up rolling over the concrete bumpers and dropping either the right front wheel, the right rear wheel, or sometimes both right wheels in the new ditch, usually damaging their vehicle.

Finally over the weekend, a Good Samaritan has beaten all of us with good intentions (including me), and installed brightly painted 6-foot upright markers and adorned them with caution tape and St. Maarten flags! Now we can safely navigate the dangerous corner, knowing exactly where the drain lies in waiting.

Thank you whoever or which-ever private sector company you are. Job well done, with new sign and all! Beautiful job!


Michael J. Ferrier

The Daily Herald

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