Dear Queenie,
I’m nineteen years. I met this guy about 9 months ago and now he’s gone away to be back soon, and during that time I met someone else. I don’t want to break up with the man that I was with before, but I’m starting to have feelings for the next guy that I’m with now.
Queenie, can you please advise me what is best for me to do with both these
guys?—Confused Girl
Dear Confused Girl,
There is no law, or even rule of dating, that says you can only date one man at a time. However, each of the men you are dating has a right to know that he is not the only one in your life. As long as you are honest with them about it, it is perfectly all right for you to go on seeing both of them.
If they don’t like it, that is their problem, not yours.
Of course, they are also free to date other women.