Dear Queenie,
The other day in the supermarket I was next to a woman in line who was talking to someone on her cell phone. That is not unusual these days, but the part of the conversation I could hear was all about something I would consider a very personal matter and not want some stranger to hear about.
Queenie, don’t people have any sense of privacy anymore?—Disgusted
Dear Disgusted,
I know exactly what you mean. That was the reason public telephones used to be located in booths where you could shut the doors – for the privacy of the person making the call.
In the circumstances you describe, I have often been tempted to chip in my two cents’ worth to the conversation, although I have not actually done it. And then, when the person on the phone looked at me or said something to me about it being a private call, I would have replied, “Oh, sorry, I thought you were talking to me!”