Dear Queenie,
Some bad things happened to me when I was a child and I am still afraid of the dark, and I still sleep with a “baby blanket” that I’ve had since I was little. I’ve had counselling for all this, but it didn’t do me any good.
This hasn’t been a problem for me up to now because I’ve always lived at home with my parents, but soon I will be going away to college and living in a dorm and I got teased about it when I was in high school and I don’t expect college-age kids will be much different.
Queenie, can you tell me how I can learn to give up my baby blanket?—Scared of the dark
Dear Scared,
You might not have to give up your blanket if you have it made into what they call a “huggy pillow”. That way it will not look like a little child’s baby blanket and sleeping with two pillows is a common-enough habit that I do not think anyone will tease you about it. And I wish you good fortune in your new stage of life.