Dear Queenie,
My daughter is 25 years old and she goes out on dates with men she only met on the Internet and really doesn’t know very well and she depends on me to babysit her 2-year-old daughter while she is out with these men. Sometimes she stays out with one of these men for a whole weekend.
I’m worried something bad will happen to her on one of these dates, but when I try to talk to her about it she gets mad at me for trying to control her.
Queenie, is there anything I can do about all this besides trying to talk to her about it?—Worried mother
Dear Mother,
No matter how much you talk to your daughter, it will not do any good until she is ready to listen to what you have to say. However, you can consult an attorney about getting custody of your granddaughter to protect her from the possible consequences of her mother’s behaviour. If that happens, it might make your daughter more willing to listen to you and (hopefully) change the way she behaves.