Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon new Ambassador for St. Lucia

      Hyginus ‘Gene’ Leon new  Ambassador for St. Lucia

Dr. Hyginus “Gene” Leon.


CASTRIES, St. Lucia--Former Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) President, Dr. Hyginus “Gene” Leon is now an Ambassador at large for St. Lucia.

Prime Minister (PM) Philip J. Pierre made the announcement at Tuesday’s sitting of the House of Assembly.

He also said Leon had accepted the appointment.

“I’m proud to tell you, Mr. Speaker, that the cabinet of ministers has agreed that this gentleman is of such high value that we’ve appointed him an Ambassador at large for the people of St. Lucia,” Pierre declared to enthusiastic desk-thumping by Members of Parliament (MPs) in the house.

“We cannot allow that talent to go to waste,” Pierre stated regarding the St. Lucia-born Leon.

After working with the International Monetary Fund for over 20 years, Leon assumed the post of CDB President on May 4, 2021.

However, in January 2024, he was sent on administrative leave with the circumstances surrounding that decision left undisclosed by the bank.

In April 2024, Leon resigned immediately and, through his attorneys, gave the CDB until May 4 “to negotiate an amicable separation”.

Prime Minister Pierre, who has previously spoken out against the treatment Leon received, reiterated his concern during Tuesday’s parliamentary session.

“It was a shame. It was a disgrace – an embarrassment for us to put a global technocrat, a man of such high reputation, Mr. Speaker, to put him through what we put him through in the bank over the last few months,” Pierre told the House.

Nevertheless, the St. Lucia prime minister said St. Lucia would continue working with and supporting the CDB.

“But St. Lucia hopes that measures are put in place that would never allow that to happen again, never; and we say so without fear,” Pierre stated.

At a parliamentary sitting in May this year, the PM had cited a “conspiracy” for Leon’s decision to resign as CDB President.

In his remarks then, Pierre voiced St. Lucia’s full support for Leon’s work at the institution.

He said in Parliament on Tuesday that he looked “forward to the services of Ambassador Gene Leon, to serve the people of [St. Lucia – Ed.].” ~ St. Lucia Times ~

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