St. Lucia’s COVID-19 response boosted by equipment donation

St. Lucia’s COVID-19 response  boosted by equipment donation

Health and hospital officials receiving the donation of equipment from the St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited.


CASTRIES, St. Lucia--The St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited recently handed over four high-flow nasal cannula machines to the Ministry of Health and one to the St. Jude Hospital in support of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and other respiratory challenges at the hospitals.

  The high-flow nasal cannula machines are expected to provide respiratory support to patients requiring oxygen therapy.

  Minister for Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs Moses Jn. Baptiste expressed heartfelt gratitude to the St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited for the timely donation and says these machines are very critical in saving the lives of patients.

  “I am sure your members, those who are not here, will understand and feel that this is a very timely and important contribution to the healthcare of St. Lucia, to the fight not only with the COVID-19 virus but also, I understand from the doctors, other ailments, whether it be [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – Ed.] COPD and other ailments.”

  President of the St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited Gilroy Satney says his organisation remains committed to providing assistance towards the health and well-being of the nation.

  “[This] donation by the local credit union sector is a continuation of the ideals and beliefs of the cooperative pioneers to bring about human and social development. Our decision to donate four machines to the healthcare facilities in Castries and one to the St. Jude’s Hospital is taken with full regard for the interest of the brother community within which the credit union movement and its members reside.”

  Medical Director of the Respiratory Hospital Dr. Alisha Eugene-Ford said thanks to the St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited for the kind gesture and much-needed assistance during this time.

  “This contribution or donation is timely and appropriate. Some of our COVID-19 patients develop what we call acute respiratory distress syndrome which affects the oxygen uptake into the lungs and as a result, what has happened is that they decrease the amount of oxygen that goes to the lungs. We have situations where you have organ failure – multiple organ failure that could lead to death. So, low levels of oxygen in the tissue can result in failure and possible death. Having these machines will allow them to improve the delivery of oxygen to the organs and we [will] have better clinical outcomes.”

  The five high-flow nasal cannula machines donated by the St. Lucia Cooperative Credit Union League Limited cost over EC $58,000 in total. ~ St. Lucia Times ~

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