Two local ballplayers in U-18 Championships

Two local ballplayers in U-18 Championships

  MARIGOT—Two local baseball players are representing the Friendly Island at U-18 European Baseball Championships in Regensburg Germany. In the recent game against Great Britian Short storp Timothy Fleming had three at bats. He connected for two hits and drove in a run. He has a .417 average. Great Britain defeated France 11-5. Also on the team representing Saint Martin was Tyrique Lambert. The centerfielder had three at bats. He connected for one hit and has a .556 average in the competition. France is currently tied for third place with Czechia in group B with a record of two wins and two losses. Toping the group is Netherlands at 4-0. Great Britian is second at three and one. In group A Germany and Italy are tied for first place at 3-0 . They are followed by Spain in third place at 2-1. To follow the competition visit

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