Biden taps former rival for US Transportation secretary

Biden taps former rival for US Transportation secretary

WILMINGTON, Delaware--President-elect Joe Biden has tapped Pete Buttigieg to lead the U.S. Transportation Department, according to four people familiar with the matter, making him the first of Biden's Democratic rivals for the presidency to land a role in his Cabinet.

The appointment of Buttigieg, 38, is another step in a meteoric political rise for the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who showed surprising strength as a presidential candidate. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, he would run a sprawling federal agency that oversees the nation's airlines, highways and transit systems.
Buttigieg would also make history as the first LGBTQ person nominated to Biden's administration and, if confirmed, the first LGBTQ Cabinet secretary to be approved by the Senate.
An announcement on his nomination is imminent, the people familiar with the matter said, asking for anonymity before a formal announcement. A spokesman for Biden's transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A representative for Buttigieg also did not respond to a request for comment.
Buttigieg had been rumoured for several different spots in Biden’s administration. He was surprisingly competitive during the Democratic Party primary, winning the first-in-the-nation caucuses in Iowa, showing formidable fundraising might and enjoying massive popularity on social media.
Once Biden took control of the race after winning the South Carolina primary in February, Buttigieg quickly dropped out and endorsed him, helping Biden consolidate the support of the moderate, establishment wing of the party. He became a valued Biden supporter on television in the election’s final weeks.
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest advocacy group for the LGBTQ community, praised the nomination, saying Buttigieg "was open and honest" about his identity and gave a voice to the community. "His voice as a champion for the LGBTQ community in the Cabinet room will help President-elect Biden build back our nation better, stronger and more equal than before," Alphonso David, the group's president, said in a statement.
Despite being viewed as a rising star within the party, Buttigieg’s potential nomination to a Cabinet post has been opposed by a number of progressive groups and Black leaders who have criticized his record on civil rights. During the Democratic primary, Buttigieg faced attacks from African-American activists, who argued he did not do enough as mayor to battle systemic racism in South Bend and help Black residents share in the city’s economic revitalization.
He also was criticized over the shooting death of a Black man by a white police officer in South Bend, as well as questions over diversity on the city’s police force.

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