So do first ones

So do first ones

News that Spirit Airlines is doubling its flights from Fort Lauderdale to four times weekly from October 5 and daily from November 15  is very welcome. A Wednesday flight had already been added to its long-existing Saturday service effective February 8.

This means enhanced direct airlift out of Florida and – with the carrier’s 197 planes flying to 83 cities – more connection options. The company’s hub has been growing in terms of international traffic as well.

To what extent one can still truly speak of “low fares” nowadays when adding luggage charges and the like is somewhat debatable, but at least competitive rates can help keep the overall cost of travel to the destination reasonable. That would certainly be no luxury under the present market circumstances.

It is also interesting to note the planned distribution throughout the entire week. With most guest turnarounds in the Dutch side’s dominant timeshare industry on Saturday, along with a few Friday or Sunday, those are traditionally the busiest days at Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA).

Recent developments could indicate a shift towards other accommodations including regular resort hotels, short-term vacation rentals, so-called home-sharing, etcetera. A better spread is obviously easier to accommodate in civil aviation terms.

The new departure hall opening on November 1 is a great step forward in that regard. However, the need for a temporary arrival hall currently being built remains a bit of a concern, based on past experience with such makeshift facilities after Hurricane Irma.

A concerted effort must be made to ensure as comfortable conditions there as possible. Of course, for the vendors a renewed departure hall is crucial and last impressions definitely count, but so do first ones.

The Daily Herald

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