Think twice

Think twice

The arrest of a suspect in a recent school fight (see related story) is reassuring. It regards a former student who is no longer a minor and had another sentence pending, indicating that outsiders play a role.

Authorities used video of the incident circulating on social media to identify him. Others, mostly students, also recognised will be dealt in what was called an appropriate manner.

This approach sends an important message: Those who think it’s “cool” to be recorded and shared online while displaying violent behaviour should know those very images might become their downfall.

Of course, the underlying problems go much deeper and require the input of all involved, including parents and teachers. However, repressive action can be a strong deterrent and is undoubtedly the right immediate response.

One could say it was just one case and there are many more that go unpunished, but sometimes an example needs to be set. The idea is to discourage potential troublemakers by showing that they may not get away with it and the consequences not only in terms of education but for their entire future lives could be severe.

Perhaps that will make them think twice.

The Daily Herald

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