Dear Editor,
St. Maarten was under the Netherland Antilles before 2010 and it was always Curaçao’s fault. After 2010 St. Maarten was given more autonomy and allowed to have their own parliament. The governments from then until now create about 900 million guilders in debt but people are mad at Holland.
This does not mean that I want Holland to take over. It means the electorate along with the past government is responsible for our own demise. This is proof of what happens when ideology was never established in politics. The result is running for running’s sake without an objective and a mission or goal to achieve.
It is our own fault. Let’s correct it and accept responsibility and stop blaming Holland.
St. Maarten has an electorate I do not understand. They call our politicians corrupt but continue to vote for them. When they break the law we go out and defend them. What the hell do you (electorate of St. Maarten) people want?
Again, that is because the electorate does not know what they stand for. Everything our politicians do wrong is Holland’s fault.
Up to now, I did not see one Dutch European in our Parliament. I never see Holland throw down St. Maarten’s government.
So please, electorate of St. Maarten, if you cannot identify the problem you cannot solve it. The problem is the electorate and the people we vote for. It is us who put ourselves in this position. Denying the facts only will make matters worse.
There is a movement of people with ulterior motives, they are playing with this country. It involves playing the race card. Take the focus off of electorate and politicians and blame Holland; that way we would get people living in St. Maarten motivated to hate Holland, so much so a referendum for independence to foster.
Most people of St. Maarten even do not understand how our democracy works. I wonder how they will understand how politicians who bankrupt this country will take them to independence.
The Dutch politicians are playing their part too because they are challenging the movement to promote independence because they know the majority of the electorate see now our politicians have failed and it will strengthen Holland’s hand.
The solution: we must clean up our mess we create, because if Holland does it they surely will help themselves and that is why all political parties should sign a contract and a pledge to St. Maarten.
Very importantly, ideology must be established to see who has the best approach to fix this mess we put ourselves in.
Warning: if we fail to fix our mess, by legality and default Holland has the right to fix it as they see best.
Choices have consequences. Choose wisely.
The Patriot Miguel Arrindell