Dear Editor,
This subject is about the individual factor.
Every person must take time to know who they are, the reason is that it will determine your stance on values. Very important to know is that you must be honest and real with yourself. You have to know what is your values. And to do that, you must ask yourself some questions and find the answer for yourself.
Please remember, as a person it is not important if people you love or friend or family agree or disagree with you. What is important, can you live with yourself for the things you believe in or stand for on the principles of what is right or wrong?
The questions to ask yourself are:
1. Do I believe in a supreme creator (The God with a son named Jesus) to whom I should be accountable?
2. Do I think or feel better or inferior to some people?
3. Do I believe in moral values? (Moral values are relative values that protect life and are respectful of the dual life value of self and others. The great moral values, such as truth, freedom, charity, etc., have one thing in common. When they are functioning correctly, they are life-protecting or life-enhancing for all.)
4. Do you think abortion is a woman's right or it is wrong according to what God forbids?
5. Is cheating in any form acceptable if it can make you prosperous?
6. Is cheating in a relationship with your husband or wife wrong as long your needs are satisfied?
7. Do you think homosexuality is right or wrong?
8. Will you compromise on any of your values if it means advancing your financial stature in life?
9. Do you think honesty is the best policy even if being honest might not reward you for what you strive for?
10. Do you think becoming prosperous is alright regardless if evil was done to achieve it?
The answers to all these questions you will have to find out for yourself. Whatever they are, that is the real you and it defines your character. The character you are will invite people of similar character to you and defines much of your destiny in life. For your sake, I hope you are honest to find out who you are because only then you can make positive changes to become a better person for yourself. A relationship be it for love or in business or at your job and career, is tough to perform and make progress if you do not know who you are.
The conclusion is: choices have consequences, choose wisely.
The Patriot Miguel Arrindell