Dear Queenie,
My boyfriend and I are in our 30s and we have been living together for about a year. Before we moved in together I told him very clearly that what I wanted in life was to get married and have children. He said he wanted the same things, but up to now there is no sign of our getting engaged, never mind getting married.
My parents have invited his parents for several events and his parents invite me to similar occasions, but they don’t invite my parents, which he said they would do if we were married.
Queenie, what am I supposed to think about all this?—Disappointed girlfriend
Dear Girlfriend,
I don’t know what you are supposed to think, but it should be obvious to you by now that your boyfriend is in no hurry to make your relationship official, no matter what his parents may think about it (and apparently they do not approve of your living together without getting married).
I think it is long past time for you to have a serious talk with your live-in boyfriend about your long-term goals – which for you means marriage and children. And I think you should do so right away, before the children you want start arriving without your being married to their father.