Dear Queenie,
My fiancé contradicts everything I say. He makes it seem like nothing I say is ever right. He also doesn’t like my cat. He says if she starts rubbing against him he will throw her out the door.
When I tried to talk to him about this I got so upset I started to cry and he said he hates to see me hurting, but he didn’t understand that it was what he said and did that was hurting me.
Queenie, how can I make him understand what the problem is?—Unhappy fiancée
Dear Fiancée,
My guess is that he does not want to understand the problem, or he does understand, but wants to blame it on you being too sensitive rather than him being too rude. And his attitude toward your cat worries me.
Professional pre-marital counselling together might help you work out this problem, but you should think very carefully before you marry this man, and if he will not go to counselling with you should not marry him.